And that’s OK

Bill is telling a story about a bus-driving friend of his and the bus driver’s dentures. It took place before I got my own prosthetic teeth. A long time ago I asked if he mentioned that his husband (me) wore dentures and Bill said it was before that. Bill has quite a few tales of his bus driving compadres which he has worked into his play ‘From Where I Sit’. He’s been working on it for a while and has some really good songs in it as well.

Today is Friday. I finally made it. It was a long four days. Schlomo was out for 3 of those 4 days and his supervisor was not on the premises. That reduced the amount of stress. Also reduced in the office today was communication. According to Bill, since I am a Virgo I am all about communication. And when communication breaks down I struggle to keep it together.

Like I predicted a number of posts before, they ended the work from home option. Not totally though. If you want to work from home you can only do so on Fridays. So a good number of people were working from home. I found out the hard way twice. When some people showed up.

They just pop in off the street, most without an appointment. I asked if they had actually spoke to someone and most of the time they did but do not remember who it was they spoke to. So I log into the system and do some detective work and twice today they person that they needed to see was working from home.

I have to treat everyone equally, offering coffee, tea or water and showing the utmost respect. Today I had a bickering couple and I had to raise my voice and tell them they were in an office and not on the street. They quieted down and I was able to find someone who figured out they had no contact with anyone from the firm.

No matter, they were given leads to begin a process that will determine if anything could be done to help them. They were soon on their way only to have someone else arrive wanting to see So & So.

Once again I send a message and find So & So is also working from home. More detective work only this time a higher up was able to step in and help while this cantankerous person sat and brought up things that I had just told him a minute before.

This all has the potential to bite me on the ass next week. All it will take is someone to complain about whatever I did that was found to be so offensive and perhaps even terrifying enough to claim that I am scary to them.

As far as I know, no explanation is needed, just say that I frighten them and they won’t have to do their job properly. And to the powers that be, that is OK.

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