In the middle (of the night)

And now it is Tuesday. I know you’re wondering ‘How did he sleep last night?’ and probably thinking, ‘If he can’t sleep he should read his own writing, that would put anyone to sleep!’ I don’t recall if there was a trip to the loo in the middle of the night and the bed was not wet so I think that is a good sign.

Walking to work was nothing special. I avoided the crowds which added about five minutes of walking from the Path train to the office, but I had peace of mind. I was still early getting to my desk and went about starting my day. A few guests were expected and I handled them admirably and with some humor.

Lunchtime was a cigar on Thomas Street in Tribeca. A very quiet block, few people walk down it and I perch myself on a wall, puffing away. Back to the office avoiding people on the street. Easy to do except for the tourists of which there are plenty. They’re harmless and occasionally in the way but it is nothing insurmountable.

What is worse are the people looking at their phones all the time. Walking, climbing stairs, walking down the street with their loved one. Side by side as couples do, not talking to each other, not looking at each other, just looking at their phone. Or sitting next to each other on a bench on the Hudson River, looking at their phone.

A couple of years ago, when Bill and I were down the shore, one night after walking around I figured, we could find a bench and stare into the darkness along a pier. It seemed like a good idea but when we got to the pier all the benches were filled with people looking at their phones.

It was an eye-opener for me and I was annoyed. Here they are on the beach surrounded by beauty and power, with darkness off to the side and all they can do is stare at their phone. And that’s how it is. I know I am the dinosaur and I will have to adapt since things are not going to change for me.

I am behind these people on the stairs watching a TV show or playing a game or face timing or texting (at an incredible pace). They’re plugged in on the Path train, earbuds in, reading a Kindle or screening a movie or show. I do admit to smugness reading a magazine in the morning and a book in the afternoon. Why though?

Perhaps when the grid shuts down they’ll have nothing whereas I will have a hard copy of something as well as the last laugh!

I do feel a bit of joy or euphoria, before the last stop. I put away whatever it was that I was reading and look around the train. Sometimes I just stare into space and daybreak, letting my imagination run wild.

I’ve always let my imagination take over since I was just a kid and felt that most people don’t have an imagination or don’t know how to use it. I guess it’s true. Now they stare at their phone and their imaginations dry up from lack of use.

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