the errant driver

After a night of not so restful sleep, I rode my bicycle about 13.5 miles this afternoon. Even started a little earlier than usual. I had nothing to do, depression was lurking at the edges of the morning. After walking with Bill for a few miles yesterday we were both feeling it.

Bill never seems to have difficulty falling asleep whereas I sometimes do. Thursday into Friday was some of the best sleep I’d had in a while and tried to duplicate it the next night to no avail. Last night, feeling the effect of the long walk I figured that I’d have no problem, but I did.

Maybe it was because Bill wasn’t home until about 2:30 AM. I usually tell Bill I don’t sleep well until he is in bed next to me. I guess it’s true. But it wasn’t a restful sleep when he showed up.

So after watching CBS Morning News, a bit of the Rolling Stones, and some David Sedaris among others, and after a couple of episodes on the Golden Girls (I know, I know) I got it together and headed out.

Some roads that were under construction the past couple of weeks were reopened so that was nice. I pedaled past Newark Ave where yesterday was a Jersey City Pride celebration, today from where I cycled there was no sign whatsoever.

Into Liberty State Park was good, no problems yet. A short break under a favorite tree was nice, took another set of a series of the Statue of Liberty. Of course, you can’t see them here, though they can be found on one of the social medias.

Everything was going well as I rode on the path that winds alongside the roads going through the park. All of a sudden a car appears. It doesn’t look like a police car, but that doesn’t mean anything, they could be undercover.

As I passed them I saw that it was some older guy (looking older than me) driving the narrow path…parallel to a road designed for cars. I yelled into his open window, ‘WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?’.

I was not sure if he heard me as he drove by me, so I stopped to watch what he was going to do next. I saw a park worker in his truck but he didn’t do anything as the errant driver found a way to get back on the road. But seriously, what the fuck? Thankfully that was the worst of it.

Back to Hoboken where I saw my neighbors getting ready for their own trek up to Edgewater, They’re braver than me, no helmets for them and they’re not too put off by cars speeding past them a few feet away from riding on the sidewalk after the Hudson River Walkway ends in North Bergen. I stop at the border but there they go, off into the asphalt wonder.

I felt every step climbing up four flights to the fifth floor.

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