can’t trust that day

Monday. Back at it. Was not looking forward to it, especially after talking to my sister about work on the phone yesterday. Had to go in anyhow. Bill was up and out at 1:00 AM I think. Hours later I lay in bed not fully awake telling myself not to open an eye to see what time it was but it turned out the anxiety that did not allow for rest.

I wound up being up earlier than usual. So early that I decided to head to the gallows about a half hour than what I used to leave at. When Bill is around he runs down a list to make sure I have the necessities- wallet, phone, keys, teeth, vape pen, flare gun, life preserver, orange. We have to add water bottle to the list since I remembered that I did not have it halfway to the train.

I was early enough to be able to go to Whole Foods a few blocks away from the office and buy a 79-cent bottle of spring water. Then it was off to the office with a stop at Dunkin Donuts for my coffee and free donut. But the usual Dunkin was closed for renovations and I had to go a nearer one to my office and as usual, it was pandemonium. To my surprise though they remembered me and shouted, asking me what did I want over people in the line in front of me. And I got a free donut.

It being a Monday, a lot of people worked from home with a couple of dozen people out on vacation, or in office-speak, PTO. It was relatively quiet so that was pleasant. Summer days in the office aren’t going to last obviously and a decree came down from on high that working from home will only be permitted on Fridays. Everyone will need to be at their desks from Monday to Thursday.

On one hand that will be OK since a lot of people (millennials) will more than likely take advantage of that dictum and be out of the office on Fridays, that is if they don’t band together and revolt. They’re in their twenties and thirties so getting a new job shouldn’t be that much of a problem should they threaten. But they won’t. They don’t seem to be the type to rock the boat so the WFH (work from home) set will do just that on Fridays more than likely.

I’ll adapt, that is if I’m still around. Still playing the Mega Millions and hoping for the day I can call up and say goodbye. On the periphery, employment search engines are reappearing and nowadays they are catching my eye somewhat. Good to know they’re there, but then again, now I am 61. Feels like 41 if I don’t do anything strenuous, but I didn’t do much strenuous things when I was 41 so go figure.

I guess I’ve been writing again for a week now. Still haven’t told anyone yet, except for Bill.

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