The rose’s faded bloom

Saturday evening and 55°. It’s been a crappy day for lack of a better word. Communicative methods didn’t work necessarily, or at least not how they should have. I had no problem communicating, but other people with whom I interacted certainly did. And in an effort to maintain that lack of communication, I shall refrain from posting about it.

At least that is how I feel at the moment. Bill was off to rehearse the staged reading that he is performing on Monday evening. I will be working the door, Mike’s going to be my guest. Our neighbor Deb is stage-managing the reading. I posted on the social medias for the past week or so but I have no idea how the turnout will be.

There were fliers that I had hoped to put up in various shops and stores but I never got them. I felt that a week or so before the event would be good enough to post these fliers but I think I was the only one thinking about these sorts of things. I was only trying to help but one can’t help people that do not want to be helped.

Mike came over and I helped him with his laundry. There was an unease between me and Bill and also between me and Mike. Lack of communication. In Mike’s case I held back on 99% of whatever it is that I wanted to say. He had his cereal and I hung his laundry to dry.

After his cereal, we walked to Guitar Bar where the fliers were reportedly sent. I asked Larry who was there on a busy Saturday afternoon who said the only flier that he knew about was hanging on the wall to my right. That was disappointing.

I bought a Powerball ticket and tried to tell Mike a joke about something that actually happened when I bought a lottery ticket a few months ago but he had something else on his mind and to his ears he heard white noise in more ways than one. I’m used to people having something on their mind when they talk and they eventually ask just what it was that I was talking about.

Mike doesn’t do that. I made light of that situation which made Mike agitated. Perhaps the rose is losing its bloom. Bill came home with the fliers that he picked up from the Guitar Bar which was an annoyance for me and also perfect for how the day had been proceeding.

Mike wanted to watch the Hunger Games which I remember Juan trying to get me interested in, but there was no interest from me. Bill was game and since the Hunger Games were not streaming he opted to rent it as I made dinner for the three of us.

I have to say it was a mediocre meal and I can get away with saying that since I am the one who made it. Bill and Mike sat in front of the TV watching the Hunger Games and I sat at the kitchen table reading while looking at rose petals strewn about the floor.

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