Daily Archives: January 28, 2025

Bad Taste

34° on a Tuesday evening in Hoboken. It’s been a day. Nothing bad but not much not bad either. Bill is on the road and the weather is making decisions on whether or not he will drive later in the week. I was out and about for a bit this afternoon solo.

I dropped off some winter coats in need of a cleaning and the cost of the two coats was almost $50.00. I suppose that is the going rate, we’ve been going to Mona for decades and not about to start shopping around. They’ll be ready for pick up on Thursday so I know of two things I will be doing on that day.

I spoke to Mike a few times today, also messaging back and forth on the social medias. That was fun and a welcome distraction from my mundane reality. I had a phone interview yesterday. I’m surprised I did not post about it.

The call was at 1 PM. Bill offered to be out of the picture at that time but I asked that he stay for emotional support. It was for the luxury company that was not interested in me at first, but thanks to Brian my employment counselor he decided on a phone interview.

It went well despite the fact that the interviewer was seemingly not comfortable doing interviews. I was more prepared for the interview than they were. They asked the same question a few times, each time slightly rewording the question and each time I gave the same answer. I think they were trying to be clever but I think I was cleverer.

Bill was the witness to this call since I had it on speaker and he agreed with me somewhat, that this person was uncomfortable with interviews and I came off a wee bit more professional than they were. I’m not sure if Bill agreed with me thinking the interviewer was an idiot.

I heard from Billie in DC. My chocolate sister. We’ve been friends for over 40 years. He’s good at listening and offering advice. I told him about the interview and he asked how it went. I said that I didn’t think it went well which Billie interpreted as me putting myself down, telling me what I say out loud goes out into the universe and affects the outcomes of things.

That’s a way of thinking that a few other people have either said out loud or posted online as a meme in the social medias. I had to take him down a notch and explain that I wasn’t saying I was bad in the interview, on the contrary, I did well, it was the interviewer that hobbled the telephone chat.

Mike feels I put myself down and he doesn’t like it. Bill used to feel that way but knows me better than Mike or Billie. If I use self-deprecating humor it’s just that- humor. I am not putting myself down but putting a funny spin on something that has me as a central character.

It was not one of the better phone calls between me & Billie, but he was on vacation and I think a little bit drunk, so he gets a pass. But still, it left a bad taste in my mouth.