Thursday, preoccupied with distraction and freezing cold winds. It’s warm indoors and for that we are grateful. But one does have to go out on occasion and that is when all temperatures drop. Bill is in upstate New York, I am in Hoboken. Mike is coming over, perhaps to spend the night since it is so cold out. Both Bill & myself feel that I should not be left alone, so once more into the breach, comes Mike.
Bill and I both enjoy Mike’s company and personality. A breath of fresh air, a different perspective. We both love Mike and Mike loves the Ernie & Bert aspects of our personalities, Bill & Me. Mike requested that I make the dinner I made on New Year’s Eve, a cheesy tomato sauce with meatballs and ziti. I am heading out in about 20 minutes to meet up with Mike and bring him on over.
I don’t have to, Mike knows how to get here but I am a slave to gathering my steps. I’ve already been to the really big supermarket in town and spent more than I should have and gathered a nice amount of steps. A jaunt to Jersey City, or quite literally Chill Town would put me over the daily step goal and a lot better than yesterday which didn’t have many steps to gather at all.
There will be movies to watch, and Marvel programming to view. Mike enjoys all those things and there are plenty of other things to entertain the two of us.
Solitude can be useful but it doesn’t always work well for me. When Bill is here or when Mike is around I can focus on them. When I am alone I find that it is too easy to be slipping into darkness. And I do not do well there. I am taking measures to not be so despondent. I wished Daisy a wonderful New Year and she appreciated that. I still think it’s best to maintain a distance though.
And I do have to contact Rafe and an associate of his since both said I can use them as a reference and I might need to submit their names for just that. There was a phone interview yesterday and it seemed to go well. It was a baby step, but a step nonetheless.
Los Angeles is aflame and Hoboken is frozen. Friends from social media have checked in saying they were safe from harm. That is a relief considering the footage has been gruesome. And of course, the Reich wing has politicized the emergency situation, just repeating the same daft lines ad infinitum. It’s so tragic and stupid and if only they would listen to the lies they spew, but that would require intelligence and introspection and we know that ain’t gonna happen.
One of the social medias has stated they will no longer fact check anything and will allow Lesbians and Gays and Trans people to be labeled as mentally ill. They were one of the first in the queue to sample from the teat of L’Orange Merde.