Walking around Hoboken on yet another gray dismal rainy morning…true we need the water but my mental health is paying the price.
Good old Mike called me up at 8:00 this morning when I’m still in bed and I can’t take the call because Bill is still in bed so that was unnerving.
Be will more than likely be bothered by that Mike not Bill well maybe Bill is bothered by it I’ll never know until he explodes in a few days.
A cast of rogue bastards:
Murvin Oralis an IT guy that I worked with last year when I was suffering from a Great Depression and he thought it would be funny if he made a joke about me killing myself
It wasn’t that funny a joke and I confronted him about it.
When I went to the holiday party last year he was quite apologetic but the deed had been done and his bald head showed that there was nothing underneath that skin
Rhianna Dias the fluid thing quite stupid and quite pretty and petty daughter of Raoul Dias so she seems to be untouchable and could never do anything wrong even though she’s quite the idiot
Barbara Mohan the CEO’s assistant I always liked her though Raoul warned me not to trust her but I found her to be more trustworthy than Raoul sometimes
And Joselita Semana the queen of the Hop, a fat closet case who is so deep in the closet that he got married and had a kid so that nobody would think he was sucking cock but there is sucking cock and booth stores and bath houses in the metropolitan area.
I do not know this for a fact but I have seen the pear-shaped type before
Brian Calamaras professional twat and an alumnus of my high school. This asshole is an idiot that walks around like he has a load of shit in his pants and can’t find a comb, dumb as fuck. Somehow this chinless wonder got a woman to marry it.
Don’t know what else to say right now. I am about to walk over Grand Street at 11th Street.
It’s damp but it’s quite warm I’m just appropriately dressed yet still sweating like a horse.
Empty Chick-fil-A garbage is on the sidewalk because you know Chick-fil-A consumers are not necessarily the best or the brightest and don’t know how to dispose of things properly except other people’s rights.
So it’s off to the supermarket for me just to pick up a few items and just to get out of the apartment. Bill is in his gray area and with the two of us in gray areas and gets quite bleak and doesn’t serve anyone any good if we’re both wallowing.
This is the first time in a while that I took notes while walking down the street reciting things into my phone we’ll see how that goes perhaps I can send it to Gemini if they feel like cooperating today and perhaps Gemini could take these words and put them into some sort of readable shape
Gemini AI rewrite:
Here’s a revised version of your text:
It’s another dreary, rainy day in Hoboken. While we need the rain, it’s taking a toll on my mental health.
This morning, Mike called me early, which startled me. Bill was still asleep, so I couldn’t answer. I’m sure Bill will be annoyed later.
I still remember that time last year when Arvin Morales, an IT guy, made an insensitive joke about suicide. Despite his apology later, the damage was done.
Rhianna Dias, the CEO’s young, rather clueless daughter, seems to get away with anything. Her father, Raoul, is a different story. He warned me about trusting people, but I often found myself trusting Barbara Mohan more than him.
Then there’s Joselito Semana, a closeted man who married and had a child to hide his true nature. And Brian Calamaras, a pompous idiot who walks around like he owns the place.
I’m heading out for a walk to the supermarket. The damp, warm weather is making me sweat. As I walk, I’m trying a new writing technique: dictating my thoughts into my phone. We’ll see if it works.
I’ve noticed that people often litter, even at places like Chick-fil-A. It’s frustrating to see such disregard for the environment.
I need to get out of the apartment and clear my head. Bill and I have both been feeling down lately. We need to break out of this cycle of negativity.
I find Gemini’s version lacking and feel my original ramble was a bit better