I’ll have a bash

I almost forgot to write again, yet here I am remembering to write. The Beatles are on, A Hard Day’s Night. I’ve seen it a lot of times so it’s more for the soundtrack than the visuals but eventually, they get me to turn my head.

It was a good day for bicycle riding. Today was a ride to North Bergen again. Nice ride, some deer in the headlights on the Hudson River Walkway. Despite the ringing of bells, chimes, and buzzers they freeze.

I don’t curse them out surprisingly. I generally say something though. Today there were two women trying to figure out how to work a smartphone camera and I buzzed, rang, and chimed, and still no movement. I rolled past and said, ‘Come on, get out of the way…’ And then I was gone.

Other bicyclists don’t ring any alarms or bells, they just speed past. My neighbor in the building and I had a disagreement about alerting pedestrians. He rides daily from Hoboken to Newark and rings no bells.

I insisted that it was good to give a heads up, and sometimes I even say ‘Heads up’ instead of chiming, buzzing, or ringing. He rides more than I do but still, I won’t defer to his methods.

I found today that I am good at determining distances by eye. I’d see a landmark and figure that it was a mile away and it was roughly a mile away. I’d check to see if I was right by the odometer and I was. A feather in my cap I suppose or in this case, a feather in my bicycle helmet.

I rode back to Hoboken without incident and before I ascended the stairs I went to an herb shop on Washington Street. The past 2 times I’d gone it was OK, but today they were giving me the hard sell to join their secret club in the shop. I told them that I was not interested at this time but they were insistent.

3 times they asked and 3 times I begged off. Perhaps it is a good deal but at the moment I was not interested. I’m sure they had something to talk about once I left. I do like them though. Both stores on Washington Street are good enough though. The one by the Path train is a weird vibe but any port in a storm…

I did not sleep well last night. Intermittent at best. I did have a sexy dream that featured Bill, who I kept asking if we were in an open relationship as a lesbian filmmaker walked past us as we lay in bed on top of each other.

I’m taking precautions to get a good night’s sleep tonight since it’s back to whatever it is I do at work. It’s a Monday so that should keep some people out of the office. Not like a Friday though when I can expect people not to be at their desks.

I suppose I will find out tomorrow.

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