Better Things

I did not write yesterday and only remembered that I forgot this morning. To be honest, I was fatigued last night and I wondered if it was because of the flu shot and covid booster I had gotten on Thursday night. It went well, my arm was sore at the injection point but other than that no problems except for brewing tired. And my back ached between my shoulder blades and lower neck.

The day went well yesterday, a not-crowded Path train going into the city and just a sprinkling of workers in the office. The afternoon cigar smoke was ok. A La Flor Dominicana Maduro which wasn’t burning to my satisfaction. The spot on Thomas Street was alright, not the euphoria from the epiphany the day before, I was more down to earth.

I usually finish the cigar on Murray Street which is not that busy but yesterday a local mom had a birthday party for her kid and part of the party was a van which I guess had an arcade inside so kids can use PlayStation or whatever it is kids do these days. The kids who were not in the van were on the opposite sidewalk being noisy, being kids.

The self-evaluation was due at 5:00 PM and I did some tweaking on it. Not as verbose as I originally thought. I did not sink down to their level for a half-hearted attempt of lifting them up. Schlomo the DKB, rated me as ‘Successful’ 6 times, ‘Above Expectations’ 1 time, and ‘Below Expectations’ 3 times which averaged out to a ‘C’ in Schlomo the DKB’s world.

It’s bullshit and the self-evaluation proved that by spelling ‘Expectations’ as ‘Expecaions’ and ‘Expectaions’. I think someone got a kickback from the evaluating company because this was incredibly stupid. Of course, I pointed it out posting ‘Expectations Expecaions Expectaions, that’s what it’s all about.’

There will be an interview next month to discuss my submission and I’m sure I will be asked about that. Right now my reply would be ‘How can I take this seriously when the evaluation company couldn’t even proofread what they are sending to clients?’

No, I am not like everybody else. I doubt if anyone else caught it. Familiarity breeds contempt and I am overly familiar with some of these people. The people I was told not to trust, as told by the Supervisor’s supervisor, seem to be more trustworthy than him or the other 2 judging me.

I am older than the 3 of them and 40 years older than the Supervisor’s supervisor’s daughter who fabricated charges against me. The bloom is off the rose which decayed in the sun back in July.

But today is Saturday and I had a good bike ride which was one hour and forty-four minutes this afternoon. The tree I enjoy was occupied by a Park Police SUV so that was no go. Of all the places to park in Liberty State Park this Federal Employee had to park under MY tree.

More cycling is scheduled for tomorrow. I have to get as much riding in while the weather is still pleasant enough.

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