
Distracted. Easily distracted. It’s been going on for the past hours and finally, I got it together and here I am. A bike riding day. Gotta get them in while I can. It feels like if I end it, it wouldn’t be because of the weather but more than likely because of the people. There are more of them out and not many of them are bright. I’m being kind.

I think I should get that very loud horn since what I am currently using doesn’t seem to get the point across. And the point is, ‘Here comes a big white guy on a bicycle going 12 miles per hour and does not want to hit you’.

And the Citi bike renters are the worst. They don’t know the rules of the road. And they’re pretty loose rules, easy to understand. It’s all a matter of cooperation and common sense, but they don’t seem to know how to do the former and lack in the latter. Other than that it was average, nothing to see her, pedal on.

Bill is going off for a few days. He says five but if it’s anything like last time it may go longer. But this time there is another iron in the fire, of which it is not my business to write about here, so I won’t.

Oh, these distractions keep calling. I went there and now I’m back. It was only a minute or so.

I’m a bit tired from the bicycling this weekends. My knees ache but that’s probably from sitting in front of a desktop for the past few hours and getting distracted. There was a container of CBD ointment that Bill and I use that had mysteriously vanished.

I think there are some interdimensional pockets in this apartment where things go for a time and then reappear later on. I swear I saw it yesterday afternoon but by last night it was missing in inaction.

Sometimes it’s Bill who will move things that had been in the same spot for years and then all of a sudden they’re gone. In those cases, I have a pretty good feeling Bill did something. Why would a pair of pliers want to go off to another dimension?

And then I ask Bill and he tells me ‘Oh, I did such and such with them’ and then he hands it over. But the CBD ointment though…

Feels like it’s back to school tomorrow but it’s back to work. No feeling of dread which is good. Last night’s post was something different. I enjoyed it. The notes came in handy and I do take notes on my phone.

Not writing anything on the phone mind you, just notes, ideas, observations. In this day and age, one has to be careful about what they post on the interwebs. So not all notes, ideas, or observations make it to the phone. They remain in the musty recesses of my mind. I’m enjoying writing this even though I don’t think anyone is reading it, and that’s OK.

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