
I’ve been putting off writing most of the night. Now it is 9:21 PM and I figured now is the best time. Here I am. Outside fireworks are going off for the ending of the local Italian festival. It was supposed to be fireworks last night but what with the rain and all…People are probably freaking out over their pets freaking out. It’s loud enough through an open window and we’re probably about a half mile away. There are a couple of thousand residents between here and there.

Bill and I walked through this afternoon after Bill got his RSV/Covid/Flu shot. He tried to get the RSV earlier but it’s only available to people 60 and up and he was but a wee lad of 59. The fireworks must be nearing their conclusion as it’s getting much louder. I did the bike ride again. North Bergen and back. About 12 miles more or less.

I posted a video on the social medias yesterday about the different types of pedestrians one comes across while bicycling. It was pretty much on the money. And today confirmed that. I wrote last week about having to use the Brazilian carnival whistle, almost always as a last resort.

Today was nothing but last resort. I did see online a device that sounds like an oncoming Mack truck which caught my attention. I thought what I had was good enough but having to use the whistle so often lately makes me think a louder effect will have to do.

The current device I have which seems to go unheard has 3 sounds, a bell, chimes, and a buzzer. It can’t compete with headphones or earbuds or indifference. After I was done with bicycling I went out again and met up with Bill, walking through the Italian feast. Bill knew someone he used to work with. I didn’t know anyone which makes me think they saw me first.

I’m presently quite tired. I was really tired earlier but I think I’ve gotten used to it. Bill and I watched the second part of the David Cross documentary and it made me want to watch the Sopranos again. So brutal, but so compelling.

Now we’re watching Sherlock, The Abominable Bride. I’ve seen it before and it’s one of the episodes I did not buy. Bill’s never seen it before and he likes it. It’s the episode which mainly takes place in the 1800’s.

Unfortunately, it is on during a pledge drive on Public Television. I would donate if they would cease begging for money once they got the money. I don’t need to spend $100 for a CD that I could get for $5. Or $85 for a rocks glass with Arthur Conan Doyle’s writing printed on the glass. With an image of a pipe. And I am not a pipeman.

Bill is so engrossed with the episode that he is going to stay up past his bedtime just so he can watch the end.

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