Daily Archives: September 14, 2024

Do not try this at home

A beautiful Saturday, for me. Bill messed up his back in the past 36 hours, my sister messed up her back over a week ago, and my sister-in-law has COVID-19, but I’m fine. Fine enough for a bike ride this afternoon. And like I said it was beautiful.

I hadn’t gone to Liberty State Park in a few weeks and things had changed, at least on the bike route I take. They completed a bike path parallel to the street, 98% functional. When bicycling one has to pay attention to these things, before it gets all fatal.

Famed TV cook Gordon Ramsey had a near-fatal bicycle accident earlier this year and if it weren’t for him wearing a helmet he’d be more damaged than he seems to be on TV. I had to use the Brazilan Carnival Whistle again today, a few times.

The whole interaction is about 5 seconds but it does frighten the pedestrian enough to get them to pay attention, to be aware of what’s going on around them. It would make for a good story for them to tell, how they were almost run over by a speeding white behemoth blowing a Brazilian Carnival Whistle.

“He came thisclose to killing me!” This generally happens frequently when I’m near the apartment buildings outside of Liberty State Park on the way home. I am more than willing to share the walkway but if you can’t meet me halfway, at least see me and hear me.

Bill was in Liberty State Park last night, driving people to & from a wedding reception. He didn’t get home until 2:30 AM. I was fast asleep but did reach out and poked him to assure myself that he was home safe & sound & in bed.

I am reluctant to write about how I slept because when I do, the Universe seems to turn around and say ‘We’ll see about that’. I’ve said it before and I guess I’ll post it again, ‘Sometimes you are in on the Cosmic Joke, and sometimes the Cosmic Joke is on you’.

The other night on my birthday I got a sweet text from a dear friend of mine, Jane. Just an absolute wonderful thing to read, since I was a bit afraid that she was upset with me. We made arrangements to talk again this evening and we did just that.

Catching up, lot’s of laughs, talking about mutual friends but more than anything it was about her life and mine. It was a bit presumptuous to think she was upset with me, not really considering that she has her own life and it does not revolve around me.

Ah, but when we’re together in person or lately on the phone there is a magic that is a rare quality indeed.

That was a little over an hour ago. Now Bill has gone to bed earlier than usual, his back troubles him so. I can relate, I had my back issues awhile back, once throwing out my back while sneezing. No fun. Do not try this at home.