Take a bough

Today was alright. And I slept relatively well last night. The day at work was bearable. A couple of walk ins that were not helpful at all. “I got a phone call yesterday.” “Do you know who you spoke to?” “No.” “Was it a man or a woman?” “A woman.” “Ok. What is your name?” “Jeffrey Filling Station” “Is that J-e-f-f-r-e-y? Or G-e-o-f-f-r-e-y?” “With a J”

And so I do some detective work and find a name attached to this client. I sent a message and an email to the name attached only to find out they are not in today. And no one responded.

There was a lunch today in celebration of West Indian culture so people might have been attending that event. I didn’t attend. I knew about it and also knew I wasn’t going. My status has conferred on me a sense of being uncomfortable among these kids though a few women that I work near offered to get me a plate which I begged off.

I’d rather have nothing to do with the majority of these people, and even with the ones I actually do like I don’t mingle with at all. A few days ago Bill reminded me that I am not there to make friends, I am there to work. I told him that I have friends from jobs that I had 40 years ago, 30 years ago.

I think the cut-off was the twenty-first century—no more friends from work. I do have some hope. There was something posted about something that is going to happen in Hoboken and that was encouraging. Then reality poked its head in, reminding me that I am 61, soon to be 62.

Who is going to want to hire someone at my age? Captain Andrew Antonik? Nah, that Napoleon complex case study is not worth its height in salt. I don’t even like to go past that spot at 14th Street and Willow Ave.

There was something delightfully odd this morning. I had to participate in a Zoom call today, and as things were starting up the inhuman resources director was using the camera as a mirror, making sure its hair looked right as well as its lipstick properly applied. I don’t think it knew it was being watched and it was like I said, delightfully odd if not a bit disturbing what with the fraction of power it wields.

The assistant is much more personable and they put in the effort for a successful West Indian lunch that I did not attend. The afternoon crawled even with my cigar break. It was too damn hot outside.

In the office, various people walk by wearing hoodies, drinking cold beverages, and complaining about how cold they are due to the revamped HVAC in the office. Actually, everywhere in the office, they complain about it being too cold except where I sit where it is basically a vacuum devoid of air.

There is a small fan on my desk which provides some slight comfort but not enough to warrant wearing a hoodie.

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