Saturday evening in the summer

Saturday evening in the summer. Quite pleasant. Content stay home and do nothing. Well actually, here I am writing. I’m pleasantly red eyed and not very ambitious but I told myself to write and here I am doing so.

Right now the Kinks are singing about a Sunny Afternoon. Which is a summer song as far as I’m concerned. I think that if I hear it or play it in the colder months it feels sarcastic. Despite retracing my preparation for sleep last night, retracing from the night before, I did not get that elusive restful sleep. Perhaps I expected too much.

I was out and about before noon, after watching good friends Rand & Lisa streaming from the waterfront. Fun and exuberant and in the opposite direction of where I needed to go. A quick stop at the cigar shop on Washington Street to pick up some good sticks and then it was off to Shop Rite.

Once again the delightful Arti was heading up the corral of self check outs. After last week’s awkwardness I decided to play along. And it’s always good to see Arti. It was a beautiful summer day and Bill and I made plans to attend Jersey City Pride.

We went last year and had a good time. Former NJ Governor enjoyed looking at Bill’s “I Can’t Even Think Straight’ t-shirt last year and Bill made it a point to wear it again should we cross paths with that gay american.

He was absent from the celebration but we did run into a coworker, Nico, with his man who’s name I did not get since we were standing directly in front of the DJ speakers. It was the first time Bill ever met someone from my most recent place of work. It mainly involved lip reading.

After a stroll up and down the streets bordered with various booths and tables we decided to head back to Hoboken. We’re both in our sixth decade so there was some lower back tension and the occasional groan was heard. We hoped we would have seen my old friend Andy with his husband JD but they must’ve seen us first.

Bill was attacked by lantern flies on the way back which we duly dispatched. Now Bill sleeps, getting up in the early morning hours. He’s been a bit bummed by the ending of WCBS AM 88. Bill’s father was a long time listener and it brought back memories of Bill’s growing up. So he’s been listening to that a lot lately. That’s his thing. I think it’s cute.

Tomorrow I plan on bicycle riding, presently thinking of Liberty State Park. After seeing thousands of people on part of my route, it will be quite sparse I’m sure. Gotta get my steps or rather pedaling in.

I am obsessed with that. Not overtly but always mindful and plan different routes that would look odd on the map of my steps / pedaling. That’s my thing. And I think that it’s cute. Ça va?

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