Daily Archives: August 31, 2024

Such is the Life (Saturday)

A nondescript Saturday. It crawled along a bit but things did get rolling eventually I slept until 10 AM which was out of the ordinary. I try to maintain a sleep schedule but today I just couldn’t be arsed. The air conditioner was on which made it chilly and I was enjoying my time under the covers. Bill slept next to me having come to bed at 2:30 AM.

Such is the life of two gay men in their sixties in Hoboken.

I made some coffee that Bill prepared and was psyching myself up for the weekly visit to the supermarket. It was all rather nonchalant and I was home about an hour after I had left. Bill went back to sleep after getting up for a short while. I got myself together for a bicycle ride. The skies were filled with gray clouds and things looked ominous.

An earlier post had me more apprehensive about going out and even briefly thinking about not riding, but I got through that. Today I didn’t give a damn. I was determined to go, damn the rain. I decided this was more for exercise which is not like me at all. The alternative was staying home and being depressed would not do it for me today.

I was out the door and on the bike around 1:30. Later than I would have liked but there I was. So many bad drivers on the road today, just doing illegal things like a U-turn because they wanted to.

I told the driver as I passed him that what he was doing was quite illegal. That was followed by a paranoid feeling that he was going to do yet another U-turn and follow me. He didn’t, showing that he was not THAT stupid.

It was almost a nonstop cycle through Liberty State Park. There were two hot dogging boys on their bikes popping wheelies. I probably was one of those two boys 50 years ago. Now I’m the old white guy on an old Lotus ten-speed, wearing a helmet.

My favorite tree was occupied but I wasn’t planning on stopping there and taking a break. I did break for about five minutes and was soon back in the loop around LSP. I was back in Hoboken after an uneventful ride back. The usual jockeying around the delivery guys who definitely do not follow the rules of the road for bicycling. Why should they, as they ride side saddle on motorized electric bikes?

I am presently very tired. Bill is awake and we’re watching TV. He’s depressed today so me going out and bicycling and changing my outlook was definitely the thing to do even though I did not see the benefit that it would bring for both Bill & myself.

Two gay men in their sixties in Hoboken being depressed would not be a good thing at all and it looks like I am providing a balance of sorts. I am happy to do just that, and Bill is laughing.