Daily Archives: August 18, 2024

Over the shoulder

And now it is Sunday. It’s been a good day. It rained last night and that added to the humidity. I watched the first episode of the new season of The Boys. I put it on the other night since Bill and I watched previous episodes but Bill said it was too gory and did not want to watch.

That was a surprise. His mind was made up and my attempt to explain it away as mere comic book violence fell on deaf ears. And it was gory. I watched the recap and I guess it had been a long time since I last watched and they showed quite a bit that I have no recollection of.

Then again, do I really watch TV these days? I’m usually looking at the computer while the TV plays over my shoulder, three feet away. The TV is more like a radio with pictures that I sometimes turn my head to watch. There were a few episodes in the new season but last night I wasn’t that interested. Some other time perhaps.

Bill was up at 4 AM off to do his work. I of course slept in. And though he doesn’t drink coffee himself, Bill likes to make the coffee for me, all I have to do is turn on the coffee maker. It used to run on a schedule but that burned itself out. Bill wanted to get a new coffee maker but this one still works.

The last flash of lightning was very close to me just now, maybe 100 feet from my window and this computer. Ominous? Tempting fate?

The sun showed itself just around noon and I took that as a sign to get ready to go bicycling. Once again to North Bergen. A change of familiar scenery. I think the rain last night kept a lot of people away from the Hudson River Walkway since there was hardly anyone around.

I did keep an eye out for the little older lady who is probably 15-20 years older than me who yelled if I had passed her earlier in the day last week. I was hoping it was a thing that she does, randomly asking passing cyclists pointed questions. Alas, she was nowhere to be found. It was an enjoyable ride regardless, the views of the GWB and the Verrazano were somewhat obscured by fog and haze.

A mellow ride back to Hoboken where the walkway is in terrible disrepair. I had a better handle on how to deal with it so it was almost easy. That part of the bicycling was a drag.

Right now it is pouring down in a thundershower. The thunder part seems to have moved on but like a meteorologist, I can be wrong half the time. The rain is falling straight down so I can have an open window and allow some of that humidity to come right in. If only I had a stash of some good cigars to take advantage of that humidity.