Daily Archives: November 16, 2009

I’m Not Scared

Yep, it’s a Monday again. Some of you had to go back to work. Some of you just had to get out of bed. I of course am in the latter category. Last night was the testing. Still no feedback on it.

I didn’t get much of a chance to watch anything on TV until Bill went to sleep. I did watch the second half of Pulp Fiction since there was nothing else on. It’s a good movie still. Certainly inspired quite a few other movies.

I saw Pulp Fiction when it came out with Julio at a run down theater in Times Square. The ticket seller outside kept calling it “Pole Fishin'”

Did Tarantino ever reach that level again? Maybe Kill Bill in moments, but as a whole it missed the mark. It ended around 1:30 in the morning and that’s when I went to bed.

I didn’t fall asleep though. Bill wasn’t wearing his sleep apnea mask and was snoring. Funny that I wrote how I missed the sounds he makes when he was away the night before. I take it back.

When he was leaving this morning Bill was apologetic. I just wanted him to go so that I could finally sleep soundly without sound. He called later in the morning apologizing again and promising to wear the sleep apnea mask tonight.

I will hold him to that.

Other than that it’s been a quiet day. Sent out some resumes, communicated with a fellow named JohnsonTech in the comments section of Revolution #9 which I wrote a week or so ago. He felt I was stressed out when I wrote about the gay bashings and murders.

Funny thing is, most of the entries are quite boring and tedious and finally I write something that I was passionate about and I wind up being told that I’m unnecessarily stressing.

It’s actually the boring everyday entries that I stress out about. What am I going to write about? Will I reach 500 words? What will my brother Brian think? Yes this is what I stress out over.

Like right now.

Didn’t do much today except what I wrote about. Am I at 500 words yet? I usually try for 600 hundred, but will be happy with 500 if it’s been one of those days.

I also played some guitar today. Since I played outdoors yesterday with ace guitarist Tim I felt inspired enough to scrape the rust off my guitar strings. And I also became friends with him on Facebook which was nice.

Tonight Bill is at his theater group meeting up in Harlem. I have got nothing scheduled for myself. I’ll watch Heroes and I’ll likely be disappointed.

I returned Adventureland today. It was a day late and cost me a dollar.

I’ve been weaning myself off the news programs since I have enough upsetting things in my life and do not need anymore.

Still I watched a few minutes of the idiot Sara Palign on Oprah this afternoon. Why is she liked? Why are people dumb and lazy and not willing to see that she has nothing to say. A true definition of vapid in my book.

I like the word ‘vapid’ even though it has a harsh meaning and once called a woman I was friends with vapid one drunken evening. She called me up the next day and told me she would never be my friend after calling her that. And she stayed true to her word, I’ve never heard from her again.

I was the vapid one and proved it by my careless use of the word.

It’s one of my regrets. It’s one of those things that floats in my mind as I’m laying in bed listening to Bill snoring.