Monthly Archives: June 2008

I’m So Tired

Well I don’t know what it is, but I do know it wasn’t the beers on Saturday night, nor the bike riding earlier in the day, because I have never been ill like this before. Last night after my hasty posting, courtesy of Harpy commenting and my response I went to sleep around 8:30. Woke up around 11:00. then throughout the early morning.

Just waking up and noticing the time, not actually getting out of bed. So basically I wound up sleeping close to 20 hours. I took my temperature and the highest was 100 degrees. Now it’s 99, when earlier it was 98. I sit, I sweat and I fart. I did have the ambition to go out and get some food and some juice, even took a shower, but couldn’t actually leave the apartment and now I don’t think I want to.

Lot’s of sleep that’s for sure. Now I am awake, (or am I sleeping) and dealing with the hard knot that used to be a spine. George Carlin died while I slept. That’s too bad. He was funny. He was quite hip with Toledo Window Box and his various albums in the 1970’s. Quite counter culture but he didn’t start out that was.

I do remember that Saturday night in 1975 when my brother Brian and I decided not to watch wrestling on WOR Channel 9 and watched instead that new show, called Saturday Night on NBC. George Carlin was the first host of the series. It’s too bad, but when you gotta go, you gotta go. Now the news is on, teenage girl with the world at her feet dies at a graduation party on Long Island.

Tom Ridge rattles his saber insisting that Iran is running rampant in Iraq. This after saying that things were getting better. You think they would be a little more consistent with the disinformation they spew forth each day. The MTA in New York is making noise about raising the rates for riding the subway which is still in a state of disrepair and not dependable at all.

So yes, the thing to do would be to raise the rates, not having the people that run such a dilapidated system take a pay cut. Just nothing but bad news which makes me wish I stayed asleep.

I spoke with Rand and he said what I had sounded like the cold he had a week or so ago. But I’m not congested, just exhausted. Not even hungry though I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich earlier today. Oh how it sucks to be ill during the summer.

Hopefully my body could get it together and make it to work tomorrow. That seems to be it for now. Probably going back to sleep later. Feel pretty out of it. If only it were a hangover. I think it’s from walking down the street the other day and people coughing without covering their mouths. I usually hold my breath as I pass through that area but I guess something got in regardless, leaving me in this state of sweat and achy bones.


Outside World

Just resting today. Smell ya later… Not so fast Kowalski!

Credit to Harpy for commenting and unlocking the pen.

Well I rallied. Last night I hung out with Rand after posting the daily digital rag. He’s an excellent drinking companion that Rand is. He was drinking wine and I was drinking Stella Artois. Too warm out for Guinness. We go back about 26 years Rand and I. A lot of in jokes among a wide range of topics and gossip.

After about 5 pints at McSwells we wound up walking to the river and continuing our chat which then veered to the subject of YouTube. Lot’s of laughs at my willing expense. Apparently there a a few people that I know that have commented to each other about certain videos and the fans and admirers that post rave reviews. Funny kinky things, and why not?

And speaking of kink, today was Folsom East in Chelsea. I went a few years ago with Bill and Pedro. That was a hoot. Pedro stuck to my side like glue which made me feel great. I had gone once or twice since then and it was my back up plan just in case I didn’t go bicycling as I planned. Up to the Bridge, over and to the park I would go.

But despite it being bright and sunny, it rained intermittently though out the day, while the sun was still shining. Bob Mould was scheduled to perform at 6:00 and I was hoping to go see it, but with the rain came a strange heavy exhaustion. I think it was from the cycling yesterday as my legs and hips ache. That, or I’m turning into an old lady. Where’s my housecoat?

It could be the bicycle exhaustion, the pints of Stella last night or the strange weather. Or a combination of all three. I just had a heavy pasta dinner that I couldn’t finish so I’m trying to let it settle before I pass out. Might as well write I say. Bill’s in Boston singing at some hall in Newton. He’s getting paid for it and staying with a friend and her family for the night. Just as well, I don’t feel like sharing the sheets tonight.

I watched 2 Joy Division dvd’s today. One was Control by Anton Corbijn and the other was Joy Division: Under Review which was a bunch of writers from Mojo talking between footage and songs. I didn’t get much of anything from either video and then again, I don’t get much of anything if at all from Joy Division’s music. And I’ve tried.

Still I like New Order so that should count for something. Anton Corbijn is a famous rock photographer. He has an interesting life and catalog himself. Nice breeze wafts through the open window and my body is asking me why am I still awake.

So perhaps it would be best for sleep soon. I thought as the day progressed I would rebound, but it’s not turning out to be that way. Just a deep fatigue. Maybe sleeping for 10 hours would work. In any event you can be sure I’ll let you know. So much for a day off.