Daily Archives: September 5, 2006

Cold Lampin’ with Flavor

It’s Tuesday and feels like a Monday due to the fact that Monday was a federal holiday and most everything was closed and most everyone had the day off including myself. Still getting accustomed to the new bed and fell asleep only to wake up an hour later, Bill all the way on the other side of the bed. I took two Tylenol PM around 1:00AM. Slept well or at least I slept. Bill woke me up at 6:30, telling me that it was 6:30 and I should get moving.

I got moving, having some coffee that Bill made, grateful that he was able to figure out how to make the coffee I like. I jumped in the shower as Bill poked his head in to give me a good-bye kiss for the day. Quite romantic if not a bit soapy. I had some coffee, some cereal and was soon out the door heading to the Path train under darkening gray clouds. Saw Plantain Man and got my bananas, feeling fairly indifferent to Plantain Man, all show, no action. Not that much could happen at 7:45 in the morning, my fellow commuters can be so demanding, not so understanding. And I don’t like to be late for work.

Finally was able to play the new iPod (almost wrote Walkman). Didn’t take it out of the docking station most of the weekend, busy uploading songs. Somehow I now have 6,865 tracks on it. I think the limit is 6,000. I guess there’s quite a few really short Punk songs, in fact I have a recording of El Rey (known as Da Magnesium back then) from 1986 or 87 telling me he wants to go to a party I told him about back then. Those were definitely not his words, I’m liberally paraphrasing. It’s a very funny and cute 33 second phone message that I saved for almost 20 years. I even put it on a cd that I burned for him a year ago.

Felicia was in as well as Linda. An operations meeting was scheduled for the afternoon, like last week. I tell you, it’s great to be involved with these things. No one ever asked for my input at Wanker Banker. Alas Felicia bailed out, running off to the doctor, which turned into a visit to the hospital which turned into a text message I just received a few minutes ago stating that she wouldn’t be in tomorrow. Luckily for us there is a substitute so it wouldn’t be that stressful. One thing that was said in the operations meeting was that someone was going to talk to Felicia and tell her to stay home until she felt better.

The day flew by fairly fast and I was out the door a few minutes after six. It was raining out rather steadily so I gave p on walking down to the World Trade Center Path train and walked a few blocks up to Ninth Street instead. I lucked out there was a train pulling into the station as I walked through the turnstile and I got on board heading to Hoboken.

Interesting link here. check it out. you might have to subscribe, but it’s free and worth it. cut and paste:
