Tag Archives: National Anthem

Some of Them Are Old

Yeah it’s later than usual I know. Bill and I just got back from a WNBA game, NY Liberty hosting San Antonio Silver Stars. Bill sang the national anthem once again. We were prepared for it this year, not that we weren’t last year. I walked across town after a crappy day at work, enjoying a Padron.

I was in a suit and tie as per Greg Stevens request since we had a big wig in who may or may not bail out our company. I don’t know whats going on, but I do know that now we are down to 4 employees, not including myself. Another one falls by the wayside. Butted heads with Tom Chin as well. He can be so penny wise and pound foolish. But that’s a bullshit story and I just don’t want to get into it now that it’s after 10:00 PM.

So I walked from 50th Street and Third Avenue to 33rd Street and Eighth Avenue. It was muggy and I was in a suit and tie so by the time I met up with Bill outside Madison Square Garden I was moist and damp. I rallied to put on a good face and not ruin Bill’s time to shine.

Sound check

We were ushered into the arena, Bill did a sound check then shown to a dressing room which was smaller than last years. I guess this is the dressing room that the opening acts get. We were even fed this time, but I had already did my fight against the McDonalds boycott so we had some salads in the press room and this being the WNBA it was a bit skimpy.

Then we went back to the dressing room and waited for the appointed minute. It came and we were escorted to the basketball court. Last year I was able to walk across the court and take some snap shots of Bill singing.

This year, our escort had me run alongside with her in the back stage area of the arena, in 40 seconds. From one side of the court to the other. She was in sneakers, I was in dress shoes and I held my own. I guess when I HAVE to run I will. My niece Meghan would have been surprised, if nor proud to see her uncle sprinting.

I kept pace with the escort and we made it with a seconds to spare. She told me I could only stand in one spot so I planted myself and started shooting. Then a WNBA official said I could move up onto the court so I did.

Show Time!

Unfortunately with the running and being told where to stand I started shooting Bill’s introduction, then I stopped. A few seconds later I find myself looking at the LCD and notice that there aren’t seconds flying by on the bottom of the screen. No red light either. I wasn’t recording anymore.

So I started recording again, half way through. I got half of the anthem which was pretty good. A dodgy note change to my ears, but Bill said it’s what he was trying for. And the crowd loved the high note so it all worked out for the best my unfortunate video shooting not withstanding

I think I could have gotten the whole 1:30 seconds if I didn’t have to run the 220 in full suit and tie and dress shoes. I would have liked to have seen that on video. Of course it was, since I was at the Garden running alongside an employee but I’ll never see it.

Bill was able to have one of his mother’s neighbors take his mother to the game so she could hear Bill sing. She sat in the seats, or rather probably stood while her son sang the national anthem in front of a couple of thousand people.

She loved it, the neighbor loved it, and a lot of people applauded Bill as we walked back to the seats to join his mother and neighbor and some of Bill’s coworkers. We left at the half, NY Liberty and San Antonio Silver Stars tied 31-31. Bill and I walked his mother and neighbor to a taxi outside Penn Station, seeing them off with blowing kisses.

A nice Path train ride home, I had Bill in stitches on the sidewalk describing my bus ride into work in the morning with Casey. Nothing against Casey of course, just what was actually funny was my slow responses to Casey’s animated conversation.

I was doing both parts of course. It was funny because it was true.

I’m still not a morning person but I’m getting better. Ask me about it after lunch.

Honey Don’t

Well I didn’t go to sleep early last night, no surprise there. Watched In the Valley of Elah which was good. Tommy Lee Jones was excellent as were Susan Sarandon and Charlize Theron. Surprised to see Josh Brolin and Barry Corbin in the movie, it seemed like after they filmed No Country for Old Men they wrapped and went over to the set for In The Valley of Elah. I recommend it. Writing this at work which even though non one said I couldn’t and I didn’t sign anything that said this would be the property of DNA Inc.

So maybe I’m taking a chance, but then again my tasks are completed and I have to wait here until Vivek’s brother Hanif arrives with a sofa he is giving to Vivek for his office. And that’s at 6:00 and now it’s 4:28. I’m not complaining, not at all. I called Hanif to confirm this was still going down and it is. He offered to move it at 5:00 and it was tempting but I recall various plans being screwed up when one varies from the original plan.

Moe made it into the office, sowing his seeds of discontent. Still the fast talker, and he says he bears no hard feelings. He wonders who will be the whipping boy once he is gone, but he was never really a whipping boy as far as I know. He claimed Tom Chin’s position is tenuous, but I needed to remind myself that Moe is quite a cynic and not a very charming one at that. He just talked and talked while I sat there with my salad, unwilling to eat it in front of him. All is bleak says Moe. I was lucky that Bill called when he did, right in the nick of time.

He had gotten into the office late after being on a line in midtown with hundreds of other hopefuls, trying to get a chance to sing the national anthem at Shea Stadium. According to Bill they were more interested in big breasted girls rather than people who can actually sing. And despite my bias, I don’t see how the Mets organization can refuse a talent like Bill, especially after singing before the WNBA game last summer. Hopefully Bill directed them to the YouTube warm up clip that I posted. It’s also somewhere in this blog, so you can find it if you’re so inclined.

And as luck would have it, Hanif was finished with whatever he had to do and was able to drop off the sofa an hour early, which means I don’t have to wait until 6:00. It’s 5:04 now and I should be out of here I a few minutes. Didn’t get a chance to tip the freight elevator guy as Vivek requested, so I have to give the money back. The elevator operator is getting paid anyway, so it’s really no big deal, though I sure could use the money myself. Well that’s it for me, reporting from my cube. Soon I will be walking across town, smoking a Padron and getting on a crowded bus, since now is the height of the rush hour. C’est la Vie.

I looked Bangin’ again, I think.

Meet me at the FUNPLEX