I Wanna Be Loved

Is it worth it? A new winter coat for the wife, and a bicycle on the boy’s birthday? It’s just a rumor that was spread around town, somebody said that someone got filed in, for saying that people get killed in, the result of our shipbuilding.

It’s been that kind of day. Yesterday was a day full of hope. And I maintained that hope, so much so, that I did not check emails regarding the job for the rest of the night. I even decided not to return the Double Fantasy CD from Tunes, figuring I should continue riding the wave of good karma and let the sleeping dogs at Tunes lie.

I maintained the faith that I did the best that I could do and the rest was up to them, but I did harbor the thought that I had gotten the job. Maybe they wouldn’t say anything today, or tomorrow. Maybe they would wait until next week, or the end of the month.

I proceeded with my day today, filled with hope, some optimism and maybe a touch of cockiness, or rather smugness. I felt that I wouldn’t be doing this routine anymore, I was so good at the interview, I couldn’t think that someone else may have gotten the job.

As I waited for the bus I did call the recruiter who set the whole thing up and asked if she had heard anything. She didn’t and told me she was in a meeting (a lie, since why would she take the call from me if she was in a meeting?) but she said she would call me back if she heard anything.

Still I had that hope thing going on. I called Bill before I went in and chatted for a few minutes. Good old Bill, super supportive, the light to my darkness, the yin to my yang.

There were a few giggles when I showed up clean shaven. They had never seen me like this before and it surprised them somewhat. Things were going alright until about a half hour in. I got the call from the recruiter.

She told me I came in second place, the Gee’s decided to go with someone else. She said she’d keep an eye out for me but of course she would say that.

Yes, I was trying to get into the Gee’s, an investment bank at 157th and Lexington. Apparently Michael Noeill and ghnSiova Melley (their real names ?) opted for someone else.

Why? What did I do wrong? Was it because I sent 4 references that weren’t asked for? Was it because I merely cut and pasted the thank you notes the recruiter sent and didn’t proof them until it was too late, which was when I saw some grammatical errors.

I’ll never find out unless Michael Noeill and ghnSiova Melley Google their names and read this. And even then would they have the cojones to actually write a comment? Extremely doubtful.

Still I have other irons in the fire and that hope thing remains, resumes sent to cousins could still get some action.

More nonsense drama in the cigar shop. One of Calvin’s devoted customers was supposedly greatly upset with me since I did not forward a message that he never told me about.

And another favored customer of Calvin’s was written up late last year for being into hardcore kinky sex as well as being abusive to his wife. The guy seems like a coke fiend and usually comes in wired for sound.

So despite the letdown at noon, I realize there was nothing I could do about it. Once again, I’ve got to hang in there.

This pic sums the day up somewhat.

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