Daily Archives: October 11, 2010

I’ve Known the Garden

Thank the gods it’s Friday! Yes, I know it’s Monday but for me it’s Friday. That makes tomorrow Saturday and for you it’s more than likely Tuesday, Yesterday, Thursday for me, Sunday for you wasn’t so bad. It was just me and Don and Sean.

We actually had a fun day. Maybe fun isn’t the right word, but it wasn’t so bad. It was dull as all hell though. I had the pleasure of walking up and down Eighth Avenue at the beginning of the day and also walking back to the bus terminal at the end of the work day thanks to a street festival.

None of those idle tourists standing on the sidewalks, drunken office workers smoking outside of bars and pubs. Not for me, I walked down the middle of the avenue, marching in my own parade to the beat of my own drummer which is the usual.

Came home last night and had a couple of greasy slices of pizza for dinner. Bill was in the city working on a play at the Nuyorican Poets Cafe and I hoped he wasn’t getting some good pizza. He called when he was on his way home and asked if I wanted him to order a pizza from one of the good joints in town, but I told him not to since I had pizza already.

We watched Boardwalk Empire which out of all the episodes so far, this was the best. And Mad Men was pretty good too. I think I might be finally getting into Mad Men. Better late than never I guess. Bill went to sleep and I soon joined him around 12:15.

Woke up early. Wanted to get a haircut. Tony my barber was in physical therapy and wouldn’t be there in time. I was supposed to have two interviews but the first one asked for a reschedule. The other interview was arranged today, this morning, and it seems like the better job.

I really hope I get it. Then again, I really hope I get any other job besides the one that I have. The American Intramural College things office manager position is something that I’m abandoning hope in. The offer was made in August and here we are in October and not one word from that camp.

C’est la vie.

Today at the cigar shop was somewhat busy, and quite dull. It was Calvin and Bradley. And tonight was the first game of Monday Night Football. $50.00 gets you some free lackluster cigars and pricey Chinese food and some rum.

Not my type of evening since I don’t like Chinese food so much, I can do without the rum and I can definitely be rid of football and Monday Night Football forever. So I was able to get out of tonight’s event, the next one is scheduled for October 25 which would make it imperative that I get out of the cigar shop by then.

That wouldn’t be too much to ask for, would it? I should think not. Just get me out of there, by hook or by crook!

Wearing my Russell Means pin by Andy Warhol in honor of Columbus day