Daily Archives: December 3, 2009

Mr. Soul

Well it’s been another strange couple of hours. It was good to participate in the demonstration last night with Bill. Always good to have him by my side as we fight for civil rights. Two can be stronger than one. Came home and settled in.

Soon Bill went to sleep and I just hung about, tired myself when Juan called. He asked if he can come by. I asked how he was going to do that and he said he would walk from Union City. I did tell him that I’m generally awake until 2:00 in the morning so of course he could come over.

And come over he did about 11:00. Soaking wet since he didn’t carry an umbrella in the raging storm . I got him an old pair of sweats and a fresh pair of socks and set his wet clothes by the heater to dry a bit. He was a bit out of it, the rain, his situation with cancer.

He did try to put on a brave face and had quite a ravenous appetite. He basically ate most things in the refrigerator, and drank a lot of juice.

And it was good to hang out with him, but there was something different. It was cancer, it was mortality. It was a 22 year old young man stricken with a disease. The humor was there and the playing of music was there like old times.

Juan was being strong but it was difficult for him and he was obviously stressed, so much so that some regurgitation came up. We wound up taking a walk around Hoboken around 2:00.

Where I used to be on the streets at that hour, it’s certainly been a while. The streets were empty. It was rain slicked and the temperature was 57 degrees, balmy with strong winds from the south. He ran into McDonald’s for some food and I waited outside having a cigar at 2:20AM.

By the time we got home Juan was finished eating and now just wanted to sleep. I tried to get some room for him on the couch, setting up a bucket nearby in case his nervous stomach acted up again. Also left a note on Bill’s alarm clock letting him know that Juan was sleeping on the couch so that Bill wouldn’t be surprised to see him laying there.

I also said it in Bill’s ear as he slept, hopefully planting a subconscious seed. And I also woke up a few times throughout the night to see if Juan was doing alright. He was snoring soundly which I took as a good sign.

Bill asked when he was up at 6:00AM where his trousers were and I sleepily told him. I asked if Juan was still sleeping and he was. I also asked Bill to tell Juan that he can sleep in the bed since there’d be more room in the bed than on the couch.

At 9:00 Juan started getting phone calls. A visit to Hackensack Hospital for some more tests and a call from his mother saying that his uncle was coming to Hoboken to pick him up. So Juan was out a little while after that.

I just puttered about after that like any other day, going out for the paper and whatnot. Saw Jim Mastro again and thanked him ever so gratefully for changing the strings on my guitar and adjusting the neck.

I tried playing Give a Little Bit by Supertramp as well as Take the Long Way Home. I adore both songs and though Give A Little Bit is an acoustic song mainly it has some very tricky timings in it. Take the Long Way home is very much a personal song for me and much easier to play.

When I initially went out the sky was blue with just a few clouds and I thought about going to the river to play, but decided not to when it quickly became overcast and looked like it would rain at any moment. It didn’t but I didn’t want to take that chance.

I think I am going to see the Man Ray exhibit at the Jewish Museum on Saturday. It’s free admission and though Rand expressed an interest, he hasn’t responded to my text from the other day, so ‘forget it brother, you can go it alone!’

Maybe I’ll bring my guitar and perhaps do some busking in Central Park, weather permitting of course.

Here’s a late minute add, some good news. I saw Stine & Alexander this afternoon. Carried the lad up the apartment while Stine had her hands full. I hung out for a little while in the apartment and played with Alexander for a while. His vocabulary is growing, sometimes or rather mostly in Danish, but it’s impressive. The two of them are leaving for Denmark on Saturday for a month.

At one point I asked Alexander, ‘where’s John?’ He pointed and then ran over and tagged me and gave me a high five. Made my day.

And also when I was leaving I waved bye bye to which Alexander waved Bye Bye and said Bye Bye as well. So sweet.