Daily Archives: March 24, 2008


Back to work after a 3 day weekend which was nice. I actually was out and about all 3 days instead of sitting around the apartment complaining of not having anything to do. Friday went in, stopped by Farfetched, chatted with Susan, bought some cd’s. Saturday was the art gallery experience in Chelsea and yesterday, Sunday was about being in Garfield for my niece Meghan’s birthday. Hard to believe she’s 27 now. Yikes!

Had a nice ride home from Corinne and Elaine, home in time to watch the latest installment of John Adams. John Adams and Benjamin Franklin in Paris trying to get funds and support from the French. Franklin, speaking the language and charming the court of Louis XVI and Adams sulking in the background and stepping on French toes. I’m certainly enjoying the whole series so far.

Juan stopped by for a bit, after time with his family and before heading back to school. I hadn’t seen him in what seems like ages. He certainly lost weight and looks rather svelte. I burned him the latest Hot Chip cd, and we hung out and chatted and listened to the aromatic Jazz oldies. We also discussed politics and I was labeled a misogynist by Juan since I’m not supporting Hillary Clinton.

I didn’t call him a racist for not supporting Obama though since I know he’s not racist and I know I’m not a misogynist. I guess that proved that politics and religion are 2 explosive topics that usually end up badly, unless you’re paid to discuss these matters on television. Then it’s alright. I kicked Juan’s white sheeted ass out at 11:30 so he can drive back to school in his swastika mobile.

Went to bed soon after that. Woke up, went to work. Got to the office and noticed we were low on coffee, that meant a major excursion across town once the morning rush hour was over. Around 10:00 I hopped on the E train to 42nd and 8th Avenue. As I was leaving the station, my cell phone rang. It was Lydia from work. All the phone lines in the office were down. She didn’t know what to do so I instructed her on who to call, telling her I would be back in the office soon enough, and I was. Still there was nothing I can do but wait for the phone company repairman and who knows when he was going to show up?

Nobody seemed bothered by the fact that the phones were down, since the internet was still easily accessed and everyone had cell phones and used them instead. A few hours later the phones were running and I busied myself trying to find a way to rent out 3 vacant offices, wording and rewording and trying to find the right pictures to post onto Craigslist. Judging by other ads online, it’s going to be a hard sell but I’ll do my best especially with a nice cash bonus should it come to pass. By then the workday was done and I strolled back across town listening to Grace Jones as I wound my way to the bus terminal.