This Time Of Night

It’s Thursday, just got home from work. It’s been a productive week work wise. Today it was raining a lot, enough to actually use an umbrella. Yesterday, not so bad, just carried the umbrella around. The play Bill has been working on opens tonight, I think it closes on Saturday. More of a showcase I guess. I’m going tomorrow night. Bill mentioned that the play might be construed as white bashing which should be interesting for me as well as for Bill. If anything it should give me something to write about. A review perhaps, a view from on the aisle.

This morning I got dressed, it was cool enough to wear a suit. I decided to wear a suit I hadn’t worn for a while, and also found a pair of shoes that lurked in the corner of the closet, a little dusty. I cleaned them off after getting dressed and headed out the door. It was when I was walking, I couldn’t help but notice that my feet felt wet. And it was a bit drafty between my legs. I got to my desk, no one else in the office and found a tear in my trousers right in the seat, and the lining of my left sleeve was a bit shoddy.

I looked at my shoes and they seemed fine initially, then upon closer inspection, there was a tiny slit on the side, barely noticeable but enough to let some water in. I do have a few pairs of shoes so that’s no big deal. The suit surprised me though, but it is over six years old. It’s also the suit I wore on 9/11. I suppose it’s time has come and gone. It’s also shiny in some spots, having been cleaned a few too many times. I am trying to clear out some closet space, and getting rid of some suits that are past their prime. This suit just needs some mending, which I am not good at so the tailor should be seeing some action this weekend. I could use the suit as a costume I’m sure. Maybe even with the Mil Mascaras mask I got today. It’s a little small for my large head so lacing up the back of the mask doesn’t seem to be much of an option. Don’t worry, pictures will eventually be taken so you can see what it looks like.

Just watched the news, some 41 year old asshole in Connecticut is in jail for beating his stepson with a 2 x 4 for taking too long on his homework. Dad went to bar afterwards in Norwalk, mom took son to hospital. Mom said dad is really sorry. Sorry he got caught I bet. In my downtime I read a couple of blogs, namely Keith Boykin, about the Obama/McClurkin fiasco. Obama is still doing the three day tour of South Carolina with various gospel singers, a few and not just McClurkin have been known to espouse views from the stage condemning homosexuality. This is going to cost Obama the nomination due to his loss of support from the LGBT people.

Reading about the hatred that people have for homosexuals, through Keith Boykin’s blog I was reminded of what happened to Ronnie Paris: January, 2005, three year old Ronnie Antonio Paris died of injuries after being beaten by his father, Ronnie Paris, Jr. Ronnie’s father, Ronnie Paris, Jr., was convicted of second degree murder. News reports give us the impression Ronnie Antonio Paris’ father was trying to make Ronnie Antonio tough and to teach him to fight, because he did not want Ronnie Antonio to grow up to be gay.

The brain trauma Ronnie Antonio received when he was being taught to fight appears to have been too much for his body. News articles indicate he stopped eating, wet himself and went into a coma. He died six days later.

Yes, beat your children if they do badly in school…and kill them if you think they’re going to turn out gay, especially if they’re only 3 years old. It must be in the bible somewhere that it’s ok.

The Iceman waiteth (bags of ice to his right)

Coffee time

Midtown Art Gallery (where the chocolate Jesus was hung during easter week)

Dependable glass or bendable ass?

Newsstand snacks

Power huddle

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