Daily Archives: September 20, 2006


Wednesday. Just another in a series of hump days. No luxury yachts in my day today. Mercury must be in retrograde. It’s the only explanation I could think of. Communication is spotty at work and in general. Of course this causes glitches and problems and not easy to get around. It’s been like this all week. The flowers that Bill sent me for my birthday last week are still in full bloom which is impressive. He stopped by the office last week and noticed how white everything is and decided to send me a splash of color. I love the fact that they’ve lasted so long.

Felicia was out at a seminar all day. The seminar was on a boat cruising the Hudson River and she kept texting me about her disappointment at the fact that there was no booze on the cruise. I was fairly busy and good old Amiable Alan offered to get me some lunch. Awfully nice. I was able to sit down and eat for a while, not too many interruptions. It is always a bit more relaxed when she’s not around. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day, in fact the next five days are going to be busy, so I am glad she’ll be around. I expect that she will be.

Julio flies off to Copenhagen to meet his Missus tomorrow and he’s coming up for a Stella in a few minutes. A late start on tonight’s blog, due to the fact that I finally watched a documentary on the 9/11 Commission and how things aren’t being taken seriously. A lot of the suggestions raised by the Commission haven’t been fulfilled. It does point a finger at both the Clinton and Bush administrations, and suggests to the viewer that they should get involved and contact their Representatives to implore them to take action on the suggestions.

Julio is also going to Spain while in Europe. I should get over there one of these days. The old joke that I would make when people would ask me if I had ever gone abroad, I would mention that if I left the country they might not let me back in. Well that joke is getting tired so I should go somewhere. England or Ireland would be nice since I sort of speak the language. Paris would be nice. From what I understand they are nice if they know you’re from New York.

I need to get into work earlier than usual since there’s a breakfast meeting. I wisely set things up before I left work and put a note on the set up so that the night time cleaning crew won’t touch it. I did almost the same thing a few weeks ago but forgot the note and when I came in the next day, oh boy was I pissed. I think I should have had it written in Russian because I think that’s their native tongue. It would’ve been easy since there is a Russian girl in the office.

Oh and Juan is only 60 or so miles away. Song who is also computer savvy lives thousands away. I thank both of them for whatever input they might have.

That’s it. I’m tired. Peace out.