Daily Archives: August 12, 2006

Ca Plane Pour Moi

So there was last night, there was the session and then there was Bill and I coming home. Bill set to work on the wireless card. I stayed up with him as long as I could, wound up going to bed around 1:00 in the morning. I slept like a log, didn’t notice when Bill came to bed, which turned out to be 4:00 AM. I found that out when he woke up and had to go to one of his classes. I eventually got out of bed myself, poured some coffee and sat in front of this pc.

That is why Bill was up until four in the morning, almost like putting together a train set under the Christmas tree before the kids wake up. In this case, the train set was a computer hobbled together from various machines via Rand and my pals in IT from Wanker Banker, and in lieu of children, there’s me. I woke up with glee when Bill told me he had set up the wireless card and I was in his network. He wasn’t able to hook me up to the printer but that was no big deal. I can still use his Macs if and when I needed to print something. We got it like that.

Before Bill left I told him I wanted to take him out to dinner. Just a way of saying thanks, despite thanking him profusely. I went out and got some bagels, and other sundry items from the supermarket. It was a beautiful morning and I would have been content to sit in front of my computer on this sunny day. Not to be, of course. I got a call from Julio. He and Stine were going to head into the city, at least that’s what I gathered despite dropping the call midway through like I was in a television commercial or something.

I called him back thinking he had called me from the road but he and Stine phoned from the Path station and were in the city already. I resigned myself to being apartment bound, which would’ve been fine, to check out how fast the wireless was as compared to the DSL. It’s faster alright. I am more than happy with it. The phone rang and it was Julio calling on behalf of Stine. Turns out she had left some gift certificate cards in their apartment and wanted to know if I had keys and if so could I go into the apartment and get them?

Sure, it was something to do and Julio kept going off on what a great day it was in Manhattan. I decided to help them out and join them. I got the cards and headed out to the city soon after. I met them at the Museum of Modern Art store in Soho. I didn’t even know there was one there. Turns out there was. Corner of Spring and Crosby Street. I met them inside and handed Stine the cards. We wandered around the store, I chatted up a salesperson who handed me a thirty pound book about Andy Warhol. It was a great book, great and heavy and only $125.00.

Too heavy to lug around the store and also a bit unwieldy and large, it was called ‘The Giant Andy Warhol Book’ for a reason. I chatted up the salesman behind the counter and just gazing at the tons of photographs that I had never seen before, and believe me I’ve seen a lot of Warhol pictures, enough to think that I’d seen almost everyone published before, not just of Andy but denizens and visitors of his studio, the Factory.

We wandered about the Village after Soho, coming back to Hoboken a bit tired after hopping about. It was fun to walk around the city with Julio and Stine, hadn’t done it in years actually, and yes Julio was right, it was a beautiful day.

Came home and climbed the flights, finding Bill sound asleep in bed. I nudged him and asked him if he wanted to go out to dinner but he was fine with sleeping. I was fine with that, so fine that ten minutes later I was eating a burger grilled on the George. This life for me.